Need for Speed: Quick Solutions for Obtaining Urgent 3D Floor Plans


Floor plan 3D rendering can be obtained from an array of professionals. From freelancers on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr to local 3D visualization firms and 3D architecture firms, your options are many. You can even design your 3D floor plan DIY (Do it Yourself). Consider your options, including expertise and budget, when you need a service like 3D visualization. This article will help you explore your options and tread on a safe path for a speedy 3D design of your floor plan, as well as how to access 3D real estate visualization services.

Getting Urgent Floor Plan Drafting Services

There are many options for getting urgent floor plan drafting services. Let’s explore each.

Local 3D Visualization Companies

Look to your local 3D visualization and rendering company. You can search through the following means.

1. Online search: Search for [Location] 3D visualization companies, and results appearing on SERP will be targeted towards the location you searched.

2. Social media: Search for companies on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

3. Local publications: Check your local newspapers.

4. Referrals: Ask friends, colleagues, and business partners to refer you to people who did their floor plans.

5. Online review: Search on Yelp and Google Reviews.

3D Architectural Firms and Agencies

Architectural firms are the best choice when you want to create intricate and complex designs. However, architectural firms rarely offer floor plans as their only service. Such firms offer services such as architectural rendering, interior design, 3D modeling, augmented reality, product design visualization, virtual reality, conceptual design and development, and exterior design visualization. You need a firm that focuses on construction planning and visualization, interior and exterior design and visualization, and 3D real estate visualization services.


Freelancers work remotely. They are often flexible and offer floor plan design and drafting as a standalone service. You can find freelancers on Upwork, Fiverr, and People Per Hour.

What to Look for When Hiring 3D Real Estate Visualization Services for Floor Plans

Portfolio: Before hiring a professional for your 3D floor plan services, thoroughly evaluate the professional’s portfolio. The key areas you should look out for include:

Experience with your industry or needs: While there are many professionals in the 3D floor plans rendering services sphere, it is essential to work with one with proven experience in your industry or area of need. For example, a 3D architect with expertise in hospital designs and visualization might be the best choice if the floor plan is for a hospital.

Quality: Check the quality of the professional’s work, from attention to detail to realism and creativity.

Proof of Ownership: Some so-called 3D architects steal or borrow works from their peers and showcase them as theirs. With Google reverse search, you can trace and verify ownership of designs. Reach out to their references and confirm the quality of their work. If you are hiring through a freelance platform, check reviews.

Experience: Hire architects and engineers with proven experience and expertise in creating 3D floor plans. The closer their portfolio is to your needs, the better. Hire engineers with similar technical experience and standards as the ones you need.

Software Proficiency: Use engineers and architects with proven proficiency in industry software programs. Integrating the floor plan with other plans requires a 3D architect who uses globally standard tools and software programs. You need a professional who can create clean and realistic plans.

Timing: Since time is of the essence, only hire a 3D architect with the time to take on and deliver your project. Stress the importance of timing during the interview process. If you want to work with freelancers, check their projects before making a decision.

Communication: Before making a decision, consider time zone differences and language and cultural barriers. You need a professional who can translate technical details into fundamental nuances, enhancing your capacity to understand what they mean.

Pricing: You need to find a balance between quality and budget. Sometimes, the best is expensive, but with improved access to global talents, you can get 3D floor plan design services from professionals who charge a fraction of what your local agency or professional will charge.


Obtaining high-quality 3D floor plans from companies that offer 3D real estate visualization services requires careful consideration of available options and a thorough evaluation of professionals’ skills and qualifications. Options include freelancers, 3D architecture firms, and local professionals. Before you choose, ensure the professional matches your technical needs, culture, communication, and general expertise.